No. Rain and snow contain dirt and pollutants from the air (acid rain) that can eat your car’s finish. After acid rain falls on your vehicle, the water evaporates, leaving a film of acid. Concentrated by sunlight, this acid can become so strong that it will “eat” through your car’s finish, ruining the paint and appearance.

Yes. Most new cars have a clear coat finish, however this can be easily damaged by acid rain. Even with minimal time outdoors, any clear coat finish will begin to deteriorate after two years. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, salt and road grime also damage cars. Wax is an effective and efficient way to shine and protect your car’s finish. It is recommended that a car receive a professional hand wax once or twice a year, along with professional car wash at least once or twice a month.

No. Dirt that collects in wash water, sponges and chamois will scratch your car’s finish. The technology used today at professional car washes will not scratch or create “swirl” marks on your car. Not only is a professional car wash safer for your car, many of them only use half as much water than a driveway wash, and use biodegradable cleaning solutions to further protect the environment. Also, dirty water used by professional car washes is disposed of properly. Water from driveway washes end up in storm drains, which can pollute lakes, rivers and streams.

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